I just wanted to take a moment and say THANK YOU to all of the Veterans , all the men and women that have served and vowed to honor and protect and defend our country ! So many people just don't get what these men and women go through and what there spouses and kids go through at home ! I my self am lucky to know a good many people who have served in different wars and who are currently active duty and I thank you all and respect each and every one of you for the brave things that you do and have done for not only Me and my family but for our Country also .. So take a moment today even if you don't know any one that has served or is serving currently and ask God to watch over them and think of them today and each day forward ! So many come back from war and are forgotten and it is sad to know that in the united states its okay for a man or woman to go serve there country and then it seems like when they come home the government forgets about them ! Don't be like our government people ! Remember these people the ones who have lived , lost there lives , friends , family, the ones hurt or injured and the ones still currently serving that are away from there loved ones during this holiday season !

And I know I've said it before but please keep there families in your thoughts and prayers also these spouses and kids go through so much while there loved ones are deployed and many don't see what goes on behind the smiling faces and the I miss you mommy and daddy signs and pictures ! they all need a word of encouragement to let them know that they aren't alone and that you appreciate what there Husband Wife Mom and Dad are doing ! ..
I hope each and every one of you have a Blessed and Wonderful Day ! Tell A Vet or Solder that you love them ! And thank them for What they do or have done !
My friend Tonya showed me this link this morning with this video on it and I wanted to share it with all of you also !

Thank YOU! LOL you definatly made deployments a litle easier....sorry bout that!
Ohh thank you for this wonderful Tribute!
Thank You! Having friends like you to talk to does make things easier for us military wives. Christina said it best.
lovely post. and I like your blog!
Fantastic post - I agree totally with it all - have several special veterans in my immediate family!
Don't know many military familiies but I want to support them as well as the troops......their job is tough too!
Awesome tribute! God bless them all!
Ooo thanks for the tribute amber so wonderful hun.....
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