Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Update Time... :)

Update time !

Its been a little while sense i last updated sorry every one ! Whats been goin on in our world lately ! Well my moms been outta town they are coming home today ! Yayyy her surgery went well thank you every body for your thoughts comments and prayers we appreciated them all ! But alls well she got the packing removed today and is on her way home !

My Aunt and Uncles baby is doing well also I cant wait until i can see her at christmas and play with her ! and see the rest of my cousins and spend christmas together . And i ended up sending them the square baby card they loved it thanks for all the comments on them .
And as far us Jason the kids and I we have been really busy sense my last post lets see we went and took family pictures , weve been to the pumpkin patch and carved pumpkins ! Here are some pics from thoes times ! --

And here are the pictures that we took at the pumpkin patch last weekend or some of them any how lol ! Those are some of the ones from the pumpkin patch we had a really good time ! And here are the ones from them carving there pumpkins As you can see weve been busy ! Ive gotten some pages done also ive got 35 more to go to reach my 150 goal for the year ! I have also done 30 baby cards for a friend of mine ill add pics of all them soon ! Have a great day and thanks for taking a look !


Little Miss Sparkle said...


I love the expressions on the faces of the pumkins that your boys carved...all different, as I am sure their personalities are as well! Glad to hear that your mom is doing better- you all have been in my prayers.


Unknown said...

Great pictures. I know you guys had a blast.

Leona said...


My you have been a buey bee.. glad your mums ok and everything went to plan!
The piccis you took are fabby of the pumpkins etc looks like all your boys had a good time!

Sally said...

Looks like you have been very busy - love the pumpkins, great faces, they will look good lit up on halloween.

JB-Crafting Supplies said...

Amber, love your pictures.Looks like you had great fun at the pumpkin patch.


Anna Banana said...

I love the pics of you and your sweetee!
Anna Banana

Kathy W said...

great photos, can't wait to see the scrapbook pages you do with those.

Anonymous said...

Cute family - looks like you're having fun! Will keep you all in my thoughts & prayers

Chrissy D said...

You have a beautiful family Amber! Thanks for sharing your pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

I love all the pumpkin patch pictures! I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better. Have a great week!