Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yayy wed is over :) Hubby comes home tomarrow :)

Okay so wed isn't over quiet yet but soon and my hubby comes back in town tomorrow so that makes it all good :) I've managed to get a few more pages done in the last few days and wanted to share them with every one I am going back through all of my old pictures that I have that are loose and trying to get caught up if that ever exists in a scrappers world :) But here are the pages that i have done the last 2 days
and of course my Sassy that has to help me scrapbook she is usually where ever I am and is a good camera ham :) And with these pages so far that puts me at 86 of my own 12x12's for the year and i thinkim not sure if theres some hiddin some where that are still packed up but i think this is all of them and if i add in the others i did for a friend of mine on pages alone gives me at least 126 pages for the year not including all the swaps and cards so i don't guess I'm doing to shabby normally i keep a good running total but this has been a long yr i know Ive done almost 160 cards this yr and a bunch of swaps so over all I'm pleased now if i can just 100 pages of my own before the end of the yr ( christina u hear that its my goal so push push push me to do it ) id love to do 150 but well see ha ha ! would only be 64 more between now and the end of Dec and i know that those of you who know me are thinking if i set my mind to it i can do it ha ha we will see its been a LONG yr ! Well i just wanted to get these posted to share with every one . Jason comes home tomorrow Yayy me and the boys are soo glad have missed him lots and lots this week and we may have friends coming over tomorrow so i gotta get up work out and clean the house up ! So hope every one has a blessed night and a blessed and wonderful day tomorrow !


Unknown said...

Amber you have been busy, some lovely layouts on your blog.
Welcome to SBS24, looking forward to getting to know you better, chat soon

Kathy W said...

wow, I can't believe you did all those pages in two days.

Wendy G. said...

those are some cute layouts! Congrats on getting them done...i'm sooo behind on my scrapbooking! :)

Shelly Koskinen said...

love your back to school pages...well done!

Anonymous said...

I love your layouts! It looks like Sassy did a good job helping.

Kerry D-C said...

Wow! great pages!! You have been busy the past couple of days!