Yup here was the plan Hubby went back to work , kids go back to school , get up moving around eat breakfast workout clean up around the house do some laundry pull the stuff out for dinner and finish cleaning off my table and cleaning up my room again right so i can scrap .......
And this is how the days gone so far ! Hubby did leave for work this morning but he was late getting outta the house --- (2weeks vacation and no alarm clock will do this to u . but i enjoyed seeing him those 2 weeks and him not being outta town for work ) I did get 2 outta 3 boys off to school this morning got one home with this sore throat stuff that Ive had for a few days Gotta love this change of weather I think every body that I know around here's been sick sense Christmas off and on but its all good were staying positive and BradLee and I have been nursing throats and hanging out watching TV today but I've managed to get some laundry done I'm up moving around and know whats for dinner . So now were waiting on the other 2 to come home from school and start the daily home work grind and dinner etc ! But that's whats gone on in my world today so far ! I am gonna work on my room a little bit so maybe i can scrapbook a little bit either tonight or tomorrow That's my hope and If I don't get to work out today I will defiantly do it tomorrow And for those of you who are biggest loser fans a new season starts up tomorrow night ! and i cant wait !
Check out the Quilt my buddy Christina did for her Grandma for her 80Th birthday she did such a good job on it I know her Grandma will love it and treasure it also . She is also doing some amazing Blog Candy for her 100Th Blog , who wouldn't love to win all those goodies i know i would ~But she did a great job on her quilt go on over and check out her full blog she does such great work !
I hope that every ones having a good Monday as we all settle back into the daily grinds of school and work and being SAHMs now that the kiddos and Dear Hubbys are back to work we get to play catch up on every thing ! have a great day and God Bless ~
Heavenly Father , Please watch out for my husband this week while he is out of town away from his family working keep him safe and bring him back home to us , Watch over my Family and my Friends this week lord and hear there thoughts and prayers As we are starting a new year lord I pray that this world pulls together Father to find you and know your word and know that you are with us even in the storms of everyday life the turmoil the happiness and tears Lord you are there and we should Praise You in Any Storm and even in the Everyday when life is going just fine ~ So I thank you Dear Lord today for the many blessings that you have brought into my life I also ask you to watch over our Military Lord , And there are so many other things Lord I bring to you in my thoughts tho they are many I know that you know every one and while they go unspoken aloud I ask that you watch over those in them too ~ In Your Heavenly Name ~ Amen
Keep the death cooties at bay man! Thanks for linking me up sister.
Happy New Year to you and yours, hope you all have a great 2009.
Sally x x
Oh I hate to hear that you and Brad Lee are sick. Feel better soon, guys!!! I loved hearing about your day and pray that your husband has traveling mercies. We know that God will protect him and keep him!
Thanks for the prayer Amber, my week has gone pretty much the same way! NOT at all like I planned. But God had other plans for me! LOL I hope you all feel better soon!
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